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Fab studio faq

How To

Follow the step by step instructions for adding words to your images.

See our step by step instructions on how to create your own custom label.

Follow the step by step procedure in the pdf attached.

Learn how to access the images in the software program.

Follow the step by step procedures.

Follow our step by step instructions.

Combine images, add text and more!

Learn how to use the paint bucket and magic wand tools.

Follow the step by step procedures for using the auto fill function.

Follow the step by step procedures to create a quilt label or custom size pattern.

Learn to use the auto fill function of the software

Follow the step by step procedures to import your photos and create your own unique Memory Quilt

Create one of kind patterns with the advance features of the software.

Technical Support

Create your on size pattern by using the custom mode under File/New.

See our PDF file attached to take you step by step through the process.

You should save your project first as a FS File (to maintain the layers) and second as a png file, so you will be able to use the Auto Fill function of the software.

Every system except Vista and Windows 7 needs to install Net Frameworks 2.0 on their system before installing the software. You may already have it installed on your system. Try installing the software and if you need it, it will let you know.

In order to create the repeat through Auto Fill, you need to create a .png file. You can not open a .jpeg file and try to create a repeat.

With systems that are running Windows 7 with 64-bit processors, you are unable at this time to reopen the Quick Start Guide once its been closed. You can either restart the program or access it through the help menu at any time without causing a crash.

Project Ideas

Follow the step by step instructions to create your own photo fabric.

See PDF file attached for step by step instructions.

See PDF file attached for step by step instructions

Learn how to use auto fill drops, import photos and much more

Follow the step by step instructions in the pdf attached, and learn how to use the banner setting on your printer.